On the weekend of 14 and 15 May 2022 there will be two Scottish Kidical Mass events, one in Edinburgh and one in Inverness.

This is a family cycle ride with a vision for child-friendly cities and better cycle infrastructure.

A spokesperson for Blackford Safe Routes, which is organising Kidical Mass Edinburgh along with Edinburgh Critical Mass, SW20 and Newington Safe Routes, said: “The vision is for children and young people to be able to safely and independently travel by bicycle wherever they live. Our motto is “Space for the next generation”. A child-friendly city is a city that is good for people of all ages. Kidical Mass gives young people a voice and a presence in the public realm. Our cities and streets belong to them too!

“On the same weekend in May Kidical Mass rides will take place all over Europe as families demand child-friendly cities and cycle-friendly cities.”

In Edinburgh the Kidical Mass will begin at 2pm at Harrison Park on 15 May and will follow this route:

The spokesperson added: “Kidical Mass Rides are designed to be inclusive for all ages and abilities, for disabled and able-bodied alike. The rides are fun, safe environments for families and friends to cycle together. Kidical Mass rides highlight the need for safe, segregated routes that enable children to walk, scoot, wheel and cycle in their neighbourhoods.

“Kidical Mass rides give visibility to a better, healthier and lower carbon future for young and old alike.  After all Kids Are Traffic Too”

In Europe there are more than 200 grassroots groups who all recognise the need for change in cities to give children space to enjoy freedom and safety.

More information here