Marchmont & Sciennes Community Council are meeting on Zoom on 23 March 2022.

The agenda is shown below:

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One of the items on the agenda is a report from the Grange Cemetery Association:

Cemetery Report to MSCC – March 2022

  1. Leaflets etc. There are still sufficient copies of the four leaflets available in the holders attached to the notice boards at both entrance gates.
  2. Restoration of large Monuments: Unfortunately, the leader of the Payback Team has left the Council and, although we have been promised that the scheme will continue, there is likely to be a delay of several months (or more) before a new leader can be trained. So, the one remaining small monument in the area near the catacombs has still to be re-erected.  The good news is that a firm contract has been placed with the specialist stonemason to re-erect seven large stones at the east end of the path over the catacombs; it is hoped that this work will be done in about 6 months.
  3. Grange Award: This is awarded, every 2 years, by the Grange Association to the person who has contributed most to the built environment in the area.  At this year’s AGM (held on 15th March) the award was given to Alan McKinney for his work in setting up the Community Payback Scheme for re-erecting monuments in the Cemetery and organising the professional stonemason to re-erect the monuments too large for the Payback Team to handle.  
  4. Wildflower planting: Visitors to the Cemetery will have noticed a new, circular, bare area near the lodge house. This area is being prepared by the Council for planting wildflower seeds which, we hope, will add colour to the area and also attract pollinators such as bees and butterflies.
  5. Possible Green Flag: It now seems unlikely that an application for Green Flag status could be made this year. 
  6. Spring Bulbs. As previously reported all the bulbs provided by CEC (plus some bulbs privately supplied) were planted in the autumn and most can now be seen flowering. 
  7. Gardening: Various activities (such as weeding, removing saplings etc.) will start soon – some volunteers plan to be in the Cemetery on Wednesday afternoon and Sunday morning and welcome new volunteers. Of course, anyone can work there at any time which suits them.  
  8. Additional help: We always welcome more help from anyone interested in the Cemetery. Anyone interested in helping should contact 

And the draft minutes of the last meeting are below:

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