Edinburgh charity, Smart Works, has launched its award-winning interview support service for unemployed women online.

Until now only women able to attend in person have been able to access the service, which provides women with interview training and high-quality work clothes donated by retailers including M&S, John Lewis and Hobbs.

With the launch of a virtual service women can receive free interview coaching from experienced HR professionals online as well as a clothes parcel in the post.

Since launching in the capital in 2014 Smart Works has helped over 1000 women. 60% of women who use the free service have been in work within a month of their Smart Works appointment. 

Support is also available for women who haven’t yet been offered an interview. Coaches can provide advice on CVs and job hunting, supporting women from unemployment into work. 

Chair of Smart Works Edinburgh, Maggie Darling, said: “We are delighted to be able to offer our life-changing service to women who wouldn’t normally be able to reach us. Our ambition is that every unemployed woman in Scotland should be able to reach Smart Works ahead of her job interview.”

Louise* a previous client said of her appointment: “A wonderful, positive experience giving me much needed confidence after being made redundant.”

Asma* told Smart Works after her appointment: “This is a really fantastic service you offer. I surprised myself how much it affected my confidence.” 

For more information, or to book a Smart Works appointment, call 0131 516 7787.