Edinburgh-based filmmaker, Jason Baxter, has been struck by the empty streets this last seven weeks.

Usually he is out creating photos and video for corporate clients including the tourism sector.

Now the Scottish Landscape Photographer of the Year 2016 has been roaming the empty streets of the capital city taking shots largely free of people or movement. The result is a short film which he has just released.

Jason explained why he made the film:”We are presented with the most challenging times in the most unusual of circumstances. 

“Designed to make you see just how empty our streets have become in my home city of Edinburgh; this film for me portrays a sense of emptiness and of tremendous sadness that the UK now has the unenviable reputation as now having the highest death toll Europe and 2nd in the world with Covid-19. 

“This makes me feel tremendously sad, but I felt I needed to make this film so we can all appreciate our lives as we get back to the ‘new normal’ and to look back at how much of an impact this situation has had on us all.”