by Sarah Boyack Labour MSP for Lothian

The last few weeks have been extraordinary as we witnessed Coronavirus take hold. It has had a frightening impact as the global death toll surpasses 15,000, but the effects have been felt in all aspects of our lives.

All of us have had to adapt in the way we communicate: social distancing, utilising technology and social media in new and unusual ways, and hopefully demonstrating a better side to ourselves as we reach out and help those who need us most.

Scottish Parliamentarians, too, must find new ways to work with each other and support our constituents as we attempt to answer their questions and hold The Scottish Government to account, and I’ve been sharing advice and updates from the Government as it seeks to steer the Scottish people through this pandemic. It is not a time for petty point-scoring.

For me the key issues are supporting our NHS staff and ensuring that everything we do helps people and businesses to survive in these challenging times.

Check out our Scottish Parliament website to keep up to date or Edinburgh Council here.

We need to support each other through the coming weeks and months. Keep in touch with friends and neighbours for local initiatives so that we build a long-lasting, better society when we finally emerge at the other side of this pandemic.

Sarah Boyack MSP PHOTO ©2020 The Edinburgh Reporter

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