Prime Minister Boris Johnson is expected to campaign in Scotland today, but we are not yet on standby in Edinburgh….

Prime Minister Boris Johnson on his first visit to Edinburgh at Bute House being met by First Minister Nicola Sturgeon PHOTO Ā©2019 The Edinburgh Reporter

The First Minister of Scotland, Nicola Sturgeon said : ā€œThe only thing Boris Johnson should be coming to Scotland to do today is apologise for the chaos he and his party have subjected us to for years.

ā€œHe is a prime architect of the Brexit vote and the utter shambles it has now led to.

ā€œA vote for the SNP is a vote to escape Brexit and to put Scotland’s future in Scotland’s hands ā€“ not Boris Johnson’s.

ā€œThe SNP are the main challengers in every single Tory seat in Scotland, and we will do our bit in trying to ensure his time in Downing Street has already come to an end.

ā€œOn his visit to Scotland today, Boris Johnson should apologise not just for the Brexit mess he has created, but also for a decade of Tory austerity that has caused so much misery for so many. 

ā€œHe should also come clean on his Brexit deal and his plans for a No-deal exit in barely over a yearā€™s time if a trade deal cannot be agreed.

ā€œThat would be a disaster for Scotland and the rest of the UK, and it underlines the huge threat the Tories pose.

ā€œHe should take the chance today to permanently rule out any No-deal outcome.ā€

The First Minister added:ā€œWhatever happens in this election, Brexit will not in any sense be done ā€“ even if a deal is ultimately passed.

ā€œIt is an issue which is set to dominate Westminster politics, one way or another, for many years to come.

ā€œThat is why it is vital Scotland chooses to escape Brexit by opting for a better future with independence.ā€