The SNP today co-sponsored a cross-party Bill designed to take a no deal Brexit off the table.

Stephen Gethins MP, the SNP’s Europe spokesperson, urged MPs from across Westminster to put the national interest ahead of party interests by backing the Bill, and working to ensure that Scotland and the UK do not pay the price of an extreme Brexit imposed by a Prime Minister without a mandate or a majority.

The Bill seeks to ensure that the UK would not leave the EU without a Deal unless Parliament specifically consents to such an outcome, as well as the scope to force the Prime Minister to send a letter to the President of the European Council requesting an Article 50 extension until 31 January 2020.

Stephen Gethins MP said: “This cross-party Bill is a crucial step in ensuring that a catastrophic no-deal Brexit is taken off the table once and for all.

“I have co-sponsored this Bill along with colleagues from other parties and with time fast running out, I urge MPs from across Westminster to work together and put the national interest ahead of party interests in order to protect our economy, communities and public services.

“The Bill seeks to ensure that the Prime Minister does not railroad ahead with his reckless ‘do or die’ extreme Brexit plans, and instead aims to rule out a no-deal exit – which Parliament has already rejected.

“The SNP has been clear; we will do everything we can to stop Brexit, which we know will leave us all poorer and worse off.”