The Royal Scots Club is beginning a series of informal coffee mornings in October 2019 with speakers on a range of topics. You will get tea, coffee and biscuits along with an interesting talk.

These talks are for both members and non-members and there is no charge.

Here is the programme which begins on 5 October 2019.

5 October 2019 | 10.30am The Magic of Makhazhin – The Story and Development of Print, Press and Publishing. 

From early beginnings during the Han Dynasty, via the invention of the printing press, to the world of magazine publishing today.

Kathy Crawford Hay has worked within the publishing industry for more than 40 years, with books, periodicals and newspaper publishers in Edinburgh, London and Melbourne.  She became Head of PPA Scotland, the organisation which supports magazine publishers for more than 12 years, before becoming a Consultant.

2 November 2019 | 10.30am The ‘Hydropathics’ in Scotland: The unlikely flowering of a Scottish phenomenon.

In the late nineteenth century there were over 20 ‘Hydropathic’ institutions in Scotland. This talk will look at where they were, what took place there and what happened to these interesting establishments.

After Dr Jane Neil-MacLachlan retired from the NHS, she forged another career as writer and novelist under the pen name of Jane Tulloch. A keen forager into local social history, her interest has led her into many interesting nooks and crannies of Scottish life which she enjoys presenting to others.

7 December 2019 | 10.30am How we got to the moon….

Only 24 humans have ever been to the Moon and back. One of them brought some tartan along for the ride. Journey with a space-race geek who never got to see a Saturn V fly and still won’t forgive himself for missing a Space Shuttle launch. Alastair Bruce completed his PhD in astronomy in 2018 and currently works at the Royal Observatory Edinburgh. He splits his time between researching active galaxies and working for the James Webb Space Telescope UK Public Engagement Campaign. We’re going to the Moon. Alastair will bring the Lego…

Saturday 4th January 2019 | 10.30am The First New Town of James Craig

In the space of a generation, Edinburgh experience a profound physical – and social – change. This talk will examine the background to the construction of Edinburgh’s famous New Town and learn something about the buildings and the early residents. Eric Melvin is a retired history teacher and headmaster and has published many books on Scottish history, this is sure to be a fascinating morning that anyone who has spent time in Edinburghs New Town is sure to enjoy.

Saturday 1st February 2019 | 10.30am The Scientific History of Musical Instruments

Murray Campbell will be joining us to explain how Western musical instruments work, how they developed historically, how they are manufactured, and how they are used to make music. An incredibly fascinating talk which will delighted anyone with an interest in music.

Saturday 4th April 2019 | 10.30am Edinburgh’s Three Cathedrals

In early 1878 there were no cathedrals in Edinburgh.  Within just five years there were three: St Mary’s Metropolitan Cathedral, St Mary’s Episcopal Cathedral and St Giles’ Cathedral.  What prompted this upsurge of religiosity in the city or was it something else?  David Todd, Lay Reader at Old Saint Paul’s Scottish Episcopal Church and Theatre Chaplain to Edinburgh’s four major theatres explains in an illustrated talk.

Saturday 2nd May 2019 | 10.30am Scotland’s Hidden Treasure

The story of what happened to the oldest Royal Regalia in Britain. Hidden not once, but twice in two of Scotland’s great Castles. When? Who hid them? and Why?

Kathy Crawford Hay worked within the publishing industry for more than 40 years, before becoming a Consultant. She has been a guest speaker at colleges, universities, clubs and societies sharing her collection of fascinating historical stories. Not one to miss!

Saturday 6th June 2020 | 10.30am Glass & Light

Alison Kinnaird MBE has an international reputation as an outstanding artist in glass. Using the ancient technique of wheel engraving, she combines this with modern lighting technology such as LEDs, to create artworks which can be seen in many public and private collections. In 1997 she was awarded an MBE for Services to Art and Music. Alison will talk about her life as an artist working with glass, an unusual and beautiful medium that offers wonderful potential for artistic expression.