by Joanna Cherry QC MP for Edinburgh South West

It is a shocking fact that in my Constituency of Edinburgh South West 1400 pensioner households in are failing to collect some £4 million pounds. Many are suffering poverty.

This money is available through Pensioner Credit but you must apply for it. In Scotland just six out of every 10 households entitled to Pensioner Credit have claimed it, meaning £332 million a year goes uncollected.

Joanna Cherry QC MP for Edinburgh South West

Age Scotland has launched a campaign which allows pensioners to check if they are eligible for Pension Credit by simply phoning their free Helpline on 0800 12 44 222.

Last year, their advisers helped callers claim almost £600,000. But large numbers of older people are missing out on money they are entitled to.

You can help by urging friends and family who are pensioners to find out if they are entitled to the extra benefit by speaking to Age Scotland’s friendly helpline advisors.

It’s shocking that thousands of pensioners in Edinburgh are missing out on money they deserve. They’ve worked hard, contributed throughout their lives and are entitled to a decent standard of living in retirement. I’d encourage anyone who thinks they might be entitled to Pension Credit to call the free Age Scotland helpline for a benefit check.