If you haven’t found Riddle’s Court yet then you really must seek it out. This is one of the lovely buildings owned by Scottish Historic Buildings Trust and in recent years it underwent a £6 million renovation. You will find it down a close off the High Street.

In June they have events – everything from Edinburgh urban planning to arts & crafts-inspired printmaking, from peripatetic sketchers to bantering singer-songwriters, there’s an upcoming event that’s bound to tickle your fancy. 

June 11: Modernism: Geddes, Abercrombie & Pepler – Study Day

A unique day exploring placemaking interventions in Edinburgh’s Old Town. 

Patrick Geddes has been cited as inspirational by generations of architects and planners. George Pepler & Patrick Abercrombie were instrumental in shaping post-war Britain but were they really Geddesian?

How much of the modernist movement stemmed from Geddes work and would the father of modern planning have loved what was done in his name?

Following an initial exploration of the context and influence of Geddes, Dr Alistair Fair (Lecturer in Architectural History and Director of Research, Edinburgh School of Architecture & Landscape Architecture (ESALA)) will explore various realised and proposed ‘modernist’ interventions within Edinburgh’s city centre. Participants will have the opportunity to interrogate original designs. After a light lunch, Alastair and colleagues will lead the group through public space interventions of differing generations in the Royal Mile area.

For more information or to buy tickets, click here

June 22: Printmaking inspired by The Evergreen:
tutored by Lee-Ann Cardle

This workshop introduces you to lino printing techniques and materials for handprinting. Using ideas from the Arts and Crafts movement, illustrations from Patrick Geddes’ Evergreen books and the glorious setting of Riddle’s Court to inspire your artwork, you will spend the morning designing your work, carving out the image and printing in the afternoon.  This session is aimed at beginners and improvers and Lee-Ann will guide you through the process.
Lee-Ann trained in printed textiles and graphics at Heriot Watt’s Textile campus and has worked over the years for various companies as a print and product designer as well as passing on her skills as an arts tutor.

June 16: Edinburgh Sketcher Looking for a new way to experience Edinburgh’s Old Town or want to brush up on your artistic skills? The Edinburgh Sketcher has wowed audiences across the globe with his daily online sketchbooks. Mark will lead you on a merry sketching tour of Edinburgh’s Lawnmarket landmarks, offering gentle expert tuition and guidance for all ages and abilities. 

This exclusive extended session will include additional time sketching the historic interiors of Riddle’s Court and space to finish and mount a final sketch to take home. All materials for ink and watercolour sketching supplied.

For more information or to book tickets click here

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Founding Editor of The Edinburgh Reporter.
Edinburgh-born multimedia journalist and iPhoneographer.