On 1 May some of the cafés in Edinburgh will join other independent cafés in supporting mums who are breastfeeding.

Akva, Joy Tots, Toots Play Café in Scotland will all take part in the four year-old initiative to connect mums.

There will also be events in homes and village halls across the country from Shetland to Cornwall.

Speaking about being involved, co-owners of Joy Tots, Louise Tibbey and Sally McFarlane, said: “Joy Tots are very happy to be a part of The Big Breastfeeding Cafe, to bring mums together to celebrate feeding in all its forms. It ties in perfectly with our monthly feeding meet up, hosted by Dribble, where we aim to create a comfortable and safe environment for mums to support one another on their feeding journey.”

Anna Christopherson of Avka, said: “”We are delighted to be part of this event supporting breastfeeding mums. We have so many mums visiting Akva on a regular basis and when I had newborns myself, I always breastfed them in the bars. It is just natural and shouldn’t be considered anything else.” 

Amanda Norcliffe, of Toots Play Café, said: “”I’m delighted that Toots will be a host café for the Big Breastfeeding Café.  I attended a breastfeeding cafe run by our local health visitor when I was a new mum, it was a life line at the time and I came away with some awesome, supportive friends who I’m still in touch with many years later. Motherhood can be such an exciting yet challenging time and having safe and friendly places to meet with other parents can be so important.”

“The age-old phrase of ‘mum knows best’ rings true,” says Sioned Hilton, Medela UK’s Education Manager. “We are finding time and time again that, personal advice from mums who have breastfed themselves, is invaluable. We know that breastfeeding can be challenging, but we also know that a problem shared, is often a problem halved. Ensuring that all breastfeeding mums have a reassuring and supportive network is vital.”