With just a week to go until the biggest, fastest boat on Loch Tay returns to the water, under its Loch Tay Safaris banner, two of Highland Safaris Customer Experience Supervisors, Nancy McKay and Megan Moore, together with Denise McNaughton, Retail Manager, are celebrating having passed “Lead, Motivate & Succeed”, a top industry leading training course for Visitor Attractions, supported by VisitScotland, and delivered by ASVA, the Association of Scottish Visitor Attractions.

The course is designed to “stretch the visitors experience at a five star attraction”, and will ensure that those trying out a Loch Tay Safari, or any other of Highland Safaris award winning experiences, including visiting the Red Deer Centre, or taking a 4×4 Safari into the hills, will be well looked after over the coming months. 

“It’s not just about them leaving us knowing we have given them five star service, it’s also about them knowing where else to visit nearby,” said Director Julie Riddell.   

“As well as having put Nancy, Megan and Denise through this course, which is for supervisor level, all our staff have now completed the“Exceeding Visitor’s Expectations” Course, which is another important one delivered by ASVA, and which they, and VisitScotland, strongly recommend that all staff take part in, “ added Julie.

“All have been of huge benefit, equipping our staff with the skills, confidence, and knowledge they need to enhance our visitor’s experiences,” she continued. “Collaboration with other attractions, accommodation providers, and partner businesses, is a big driver for us, inspiring our highly successful Safari Pass, which gives discounts and added value offers from a host of tourism businesses in the Highland Perthshire area.”

Nancy, Megan and Denise who all completed the course

The five star visitor attraction in Aberfeldy claims to have superior customer experience at the very heart of its operation, last year experiencing a 50% increase in trade from European and Asian markets.

“We’re gearing up for another very busy season both on land at Highland Safaris, and  on water at Loch Tay Safaris,” finished Julie.

“We’d love to experience another bumper year with high visitor numbers.”

Gordon Morrison, CEO of ASVA said; “ASVA are delighted that Highland Safaris staff have benefited from the Exceeding Visitor Expectations training programme. This programme has been developed in partnership by VisitScotland and ASVA as part of a shared vision to strengthen the role that attractions play in encouraging more people to explore Scotland. The consistent delivery of exceptional customer service is at the heart of exceeding visitor expectations and this programme provides a real focus on this, following the customer journey through an attraction, mapping out expectations along the way.’

