Jack Lukeman is an award-winning musician from Ireland and he is playing at the Voodoo Rooms on 10 March 2019. Here we asked him what we can expect when he comes to Edinburgh.

Hi Jack, tell us a little bit about your style of music and musical influences?

I’ve always been pretty much influenced by all music. Growing up the radio was always on. I remember hearing Tom Waits “The Piano Has Been Drinking’ as a kid and it blew my head up.

My Mum was into to the Beatles and 60s stuff, while my dad was as into Sinatra and the old crooners, while my brother was into Pink Floyd and my sister was into Abba. So I ended up with a rather large musical palette. 

Your latest album ‘Magic Days’ has an impressive list of musical contributors, how did Golden Globe composer Brian Byrne (Katy Perry/ Chaka Khan) come to play on the album?

Brian is a great musical friend of mine and I’ve been lucky to sing on many of his various projects over the years. Most recently he put James Joyce’s love letters to music. I sang a sweet song called ‘The Year is Gathering’. At the latter end of making my album ‘Magic Days’ I asked him if he could score a couple of string arrangement on ‘Magic Day and Magic Ways’ and ‘Sweet as Freedom’ which were both greatly enhanced by his talents.

What is your proudest moment in your career to date?

I recently had a plaque erected in my old home town of Athy Co.Kildare honouring my contribution to music.

I had written a song about a laneway in the town called ‘Garter Lane’ so they put it up in the actual lane way which is in the centre of the town 

I’ve been lucky to win awards around the world for things but that probably meant the most. 

Interestingly the town also erected plaques for Johnny Marr of The Smiths and Mani from The Stone Roses also as their parents came from the locality too.

You tour most of the year, how do you cope with being on the road doing extensive tours, staying fit and healthy, it must be quite exhausting?

Yes you acquire an unhealthy fitness for staying up too late, eating bad food and running on empty.

Sorry to quench the rock‘n’roll dream, but lots of water and as much sleep as you can get are your best bet. As regards taking care of the voice, your best bet is to not talk as much as possible and save it for singing .

The adrenalin keeps you going a lot of the time and a divine madness for music. I’ve been doing it for a while so it’s normal to me at this stage. It’s carpe diem all the way and every day is an unwritten adventure for sure .

What is your favourite thing about Edinburgh?

The old historical streets and the fact you can see mountains and the sea from various points. It’s similar to Dublin in that way. The people are also great fun and with all the various festivals it’s spoilt for entertainment. 

Have you played Voodoo Rooms before?

Yes it’s a truly beautiful venue. I had a cracker of a gig there last time. I’m looking forward to rattling the rafters again 

What can audiences expect from a live show?

A feast of songs, a musical adventure , short stories, exotic travel. Men and women of loose morals and happy and sad endings 

It’s a pretty eclectic evening with a fair bit of spontaneity and the audience are the choir….

Lastly if there is one bit of advice you could give musicians on the road, what would it be?

Play from your f**king heart!

Jack Lukeman will be playing Voodoo Rooms on March 10th tickets can be purchased here
