Edinburgh West MP Christine Jardine has today welcomed the UK Parliament’s commitment to try and eliminate avoidable single-use plastic by 2019.

In October, non-recyclable disposable catering items such as straws, take-away boxes, coffee cups and cutlery will be switched to sustainably sourced, plant-based compostable

Water will no longer be available for purchase in plastic bottles, and a 25p levy on single-use take-away cups will be introduced.

Ms Jardine commented : “It is good to see Parliament leading by example by radically reducing single-use plastic.

“Here in Scotland we can already see the damaging effects of plastic pollution, with plastic waste being washed up on beaches all over the coastline.

“While it is important that MPs take drastic action to reduce their own plastic footprint, there must also be legislation for wider societal change.

“We need to tackle our throw-away culture by providing more incentives to reduce, reuse and recycle”.