There was cake of course, the odd hoe and a wheelbarrow or two, some older people, some younger people, a baby and a lot of chat and laughter.

The gathering of gardeners in Starbank Park in October was principally to celebrate the fifth birthday of the Friends of the park who do a lot of work to keep it in good order.

There are flowers in every corner of the park, even in October, fairy doors on some of the trees, two little libraries, one for children and one for adults and when we met they were making plans for their Halloween party on 27 October 2018.

Anyone is welcome to go along to the party or to  join in the regular gardening sessions on Wednesday mornings, and you might only stay an hour or stay all day. It is up to you. But you will make new friends, get some fresh air and perhaps clear your head a bit.

Fran Robertson baked the cake

The cake had been baked by Fran Robertson and it was a lovely depiction of the garden itself with the bothy that they use for various indoor gatherings.

We spoke to one of the gardeners Claire McWilliams who told us the story of the Little Library which is sited in the park – and it’s open 24/7.

Claire told us : “I am one of the many volunteers who garden in Starbank Park. As an extra bit I look after the little library that we have in the park. We have two beautiful libraries made by other volunteers . One is for children’s books – we would always love more children’s books as they are very very popular.

“They are called little libraries – don’t think of the traditional library fines and book cards! There is none of that. Please come and help yourself to a book. Please also put the book back or bring another book. Some people sit on the lovely benches here and read to their children. That makes my heart so glad!

“I can’t claim any credit for this – the libraries just appeared, but because I have a background in books I edged forward and tidied them because it is my thing! Our adult one is shaped like a tardis.”

Claire McWilliam who looks after the little libraries at Starbank Park

Starbank Park is open to the public 24/7 and the libraries are too. When it first opened in 1891 there were gates locked at night but that practice has since stopped, so now you can go and enjoy the books and the gardens any time.

The Friends of Starbank Park celebrating their fifth birthday with a cup of tea – and cake!