CodeClan graduates are filling roles in traditional banking and other financial technology or ‘fintech’ organisations. The UK’s only accredited digital skills academy has produced qualified staff for firms that include Prudential, Wallet Services, Money Dashboard, Float and FreeAgent.

The academy aims to generate a steady stream of digital talent that will ‘allow Scotland’s vibrant tech sector to flourish and drive the economy’.

The skills of CodeClan graduates are in demand across a range of sectors, including the financial services

Adam Bannon, acting chief executive, said: “Technology has an impact upon almost every business sector and CodeClan is working with employers to ensure that we provide graduates with opportunities across a variety of industries.

“A qualification in tech opens the door to a range of opportunities. The FinTech sector is rapidly growing and increasing in importance across Scotland and it is vital we can provide people with the right skills to help the industry thrive and fulfil its potential.”

Matthew Jeorrett joined Wallet Services as a developer evangelist after completing CodeClan’s 16-week Professional Software Development course. Wallet Services simplifies blockchain technology and implements best practice for secure and robust transactions.

He said: “The course was very relevant and we had the chance to meet with many companies. I was interested in what Wallet Services was doing and working in areas like Blockchain.

“They invited me in for a meeting and after I was offered the job I was doing hands-on coding straight away and working on front-end products. I’m also now getting into cryptography. Being on the course was brilliant and it was everything I expected it to be.”

CodeClan is a key element in the Government’s ‘Digital Strategy for Scotland’, which aims to create the conditions in which our digital technologies industries can thrive.  The skills academy is also working with the newly established industry body, FinTech Scotland, whose goal is to make Scotland a global leader in Fintech innovation and development.

Ed Molyneux, CEO and co-founder of cloud accounting software company FreeAgent, said: “The future of Scotland’s tech sector depends on new talent being unearthed and allowed to flourish. By partnering with CodeClan, we’ve been delighted to help a new wave of Scottish graduates get nurtured and trained for successful
careers in the tech industry.”

Currently, around 93% of CodeClan graduates land their first job in Scotland’s tech sector within six months and over 70% secure a job within 3 months of finishing the intensive course.

The digital technologies sector is one of the nation’s economic success stories, generating over £5 billion in GVA for Scotland every year. In terms of employment, the financial services sector is the second largest employer of digital technology workers in the country.

CodeClan opened in 2015 with the determination of offering a solution to the digital skills gap in Scotland by
producing a continuous flow of job-ready digital and IT talent via its intensive and immersive 16-week software development course. CodeClan has centres in Edinburgh and Glasgow.