Warning to change your passwords

British businesses are running the risk of being hacked and having confidential data leaked due to a laissez-faire attitude towards digital security.

The news comes in a survey which is released at a time when cyber threats are at an all-time high.

Over 1,000 people replied to the survey commissioned by www.Probrand.co.uk which revealed that 46 per cent admitted they have the same password for everything at work.

And 1 in 4 confirmed they use an easily researched piece of information as the basis of their password.

Date of births were the most common easily guessable password used for digital accounts. This was closely followed by spouses’ names
And 18 per cent rely on their children’s names as memorable but insecure passwords.

British companies are risking hackers and external parties being able to guess workers’ passwords by doing basic research.

And only 24 per cent of workers quizzed confirmed that their company changes passwords for key digital accounts and services when a member of staff leaves.

This means that many businesses could be at risk of former employees.

Matt Royle, the company’s marketing director, warned that cyber breaches can put companies out of business.

And he added that the humble password is still a major exposure point for many.

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