A member of the liberal elite comes to the Fringe to pursue laughter, love, and politically correct baked goods with a lunchtime show at Laughing Horse (Venue 146).

What are we smarty pants progressives supposed to do now? Is hate trumping love really our fault?  Can I be funny, politically sensitive, and sobbing simultaneously?  Do all my cupcakes have to make a statement? For Freud’s sake, can’t a cupcake just be a cupcake? Should I have left out ” angry feminist” and the raised fist emoticon from my dating profile? Should I have gone with more cleavage?

Arielle Dundas isn’t sure, but you’ll laugh at her attempts to figure it all out.

All this figuring is all the more difficult because Arielle is an American who grew up and lives in the Netherlands.  She’s a dreaded “globalist” and she didn’t even know it! Pass the cupcakes!

 A stunningly talented performer (at least that what she’s written here), she knows how to hold your attention–remarkable, since her own attention is ADHD shaky.

A philosopher, she use keen critical thinking to analyze failed romantic interactions, social structures, and baked goods. Philosophical, but personal. Silly, but cerebral. Provocative, but primarily hilarious.

In addition to performing her first hour show “Arielle Dundas: Moppet of Chaos” at last year’s fringe, she has performed in London, New York, Washington DC, Amsterdam, Kuala Lumpur, Berlin, Tel Aviv, Glasgow, Newcastle, and a whole lot of Dutch towns you’ve never heard of.  Baarneveldt?


Tickets hereÂ