Miles Briggs is a Lothians MSP and he is now standing in the 2017 General Election in Edinburgh South West .

“I think over the course of the last year I hope I’ve demonstrated that I’ve been an effective representative. I’ve been leading a number of campaigns including the campaign to stop the increase in parking charges at Royal Infirmary Edinburgh.

“So I hope I’ve demonstrated over the past year that I will be someone who will work hard for people here in Edinburgh South West.”

In answer to the claims that the only opposition to the SNP is the Conservative Party and vice versa, Miles replied : “In terms of this election in Scotland anyway people are looking, based on the Scottish results last time, at having more of a balanced parliament. The SNP won 56 seats at the last election and most people have said to me that Scotland’s become a one party state so they want to see that addressed at this election. In Edinburgh South West it is clearly a two horse race between myself and the SNP. Nicola Sturgeon having called another referendum has actually put a lot of voters in a position where they want to tactically vote to remove the SNP from the seat and to send her a message that we said no to a second referendum. We don’t want one. At this election this is a great opportunity for voters here in Edinburgh South West to remove the SNP by voting for me.

“That’s why I am delighted that former Labour and LibDem voters are lending me their support at this election.”

We pointed out that in the SNP manifesto independence is now pledge number 10 on the list. We asked if it is all about independence or is it true that Ruth Davidson is the one who talks about independence all the time rather than the First Minister.

Miles explained : “I think that Nicola Sturgeon in terms of this election would never have called for another independence referendum if she thought that she would have to look the voters here in the eye here and throughout Scotland.It’s quite clear she’s trying to downplay her referendum which she has already fired the starting gun on. It is unpopular. People do not want to be dragged back to the divisions of the past. This is where the SNP need to actually take this off the table.”

We pointed out that it was the Tories who called the General Election and the referendum on EU membership, and asked if anyone should trust the Tories.

Briggs opined : “There are two issues at this election. In terms of Brexit we need to have MPs who are going to work hard to get the best possible deal for Scotland and the United Kingdom. That is what I intend to do for people in Edinburgh South West to make sure our voice is heard on these issues and to be a strong MP, not just an MP who is going to look to press the case for another independence referendum. In Scotland it is quite clear that having gone through all the divisions of the past referendum that we don’t want to, we want to move forward as a country. That is to some extent different to the campaign down in England which seems to be dominated by Brexit. This one is very much dominated by people not wanting another referendum. That is what people are saying on the doorsteps so that is why we are making sure that voice is heard at this election.”

Brexit will of course affect everybody, particularly here in Edinburgh where there is a large financial services industry and we asked Miles about that. He said : “I am absolutely determined that if I am elected as the next MP for Edinburgh South West to be a strong voice in government to make sure that we are able to highlight issues for Edinburgh and not just the financial sector but also our university sector. To make sure that they’ve got an MP at the top table who can actually speak to the Prime Minister and say that this is what we need for our city, rather than just an MP who will go down there to do Nicola Sturgeon’s bidding.”

In Edinburgh South West there are four candidates: 
BRIGGS, Miles Edward Frank – Scottish Conservative and Unionist
CHERRY, Joanna Catherine – Scottish National Party (SNP)
CHOUDHURY, Foysol Hussain – Scottish Labour Party
MIR, Aisha Jawaid – Scottish Liberal Democrats