A new national funding programme, Create18, opens today to give young people across Scotland the opportunity to create and host innovative events in their community, and to bring the Year of Young People 2018 to life.

Developed by EventScotland and Young Scot, the Create18 funding programme is open to groups of three or more young people, aged 8-26, and across Scotland to stage their own events. Create18 will distribute £42,000 of funding through grants of up to £1,000 for each event.

Create18 will provide unique opportunities for young people to develop entrepreneurial skills and showcase their talents as they host a wide range of events helping to challenge negative perceptions of young people and tackling subjects such as equality and discrimination. Event ideas could include film festivals to gigs, theatre and dance performances to art exhibitions, sports competitions, fashion shows and nature trails. The fund will be administered by Young Scot and decisions will be made by a panel of young people with support from Young Scot and EventScotland.

The Year of Young People 2018 is the next in the series of Scotland’s Themed Years. It aims to inspire Scotland through its young people, celebrating their achievements, valuing their contributions to communities and creating new opportunities for young people to strive for success.

Mark McDonald, MSP, Minister for Childcare and Early Years, said:  “This exciting fund will open up new opportunities for young people to develop their creative ideas, skills and talents. By working with partners such as Young Scot and EventScotland, it will ensure young people themselves have an integral role in shaping the Year of Young People 2018. I am looking forward to seeing young people’s ideas brought to life and for local communities across Scotland to benefit from the celebrations next year.”

Paul Bush OBE, VisitScotland’s Director of Events, said: “The Year of Young People 2018 provides us with a wonderful opportunity to celebrate, showcase and most importantly empower young people to flourish across a variety of different activity.”

“We are delighted to join forces with Young Scot in the development of the Create18 funding programme.  Not only does it provide a fantastic platform for young people to lead on the creation of community-led events but it provides an opportunity to celebrate their creativity and entrepreneurial spirit.”

Louise Macdonald, Chief Executive of Young Scot, said: “This is a fantastic opportunity for young people across Scotland to lead the way ahead of the Year of Young People 2018. Create18 is designed to inspire Scotland’s young people and create new opportunities for young Scots to shine locally, nationally and on the international stage. The young people of Scotland are incredibly creative and we are looking forward to hearing all about their brilliant event ideas.”

For more information or to apply for Create18
funding, visit young.scot/YOYP2018