Lauren Bonnar 15 from Holy Rood High School reminding young people to register to vote

Registration to vote in the council elections closes on 17 April 2017.

A voter registration event was held recently at Holy Rood RC High School, raising awareness among 16 and 17 year-old pupils about their eligibility to cast their vote in the Council elections for the first time.

Andrew Kerr, Chief Executive of the City of Edinburgh Council and Returning Officer for Edinburgh, said: “This is the first time 16 and 17-year-olds are eligible to vote in Scottish Council elections and it’s a great opportunity for young people to get involved in local democracy and have their say about how services are delivered where they live.

“Registration for the 4 May election ends on 17 April and it’s quick and easy to do – find out more at and make your vote count.”

Asked why it was important for young people to go out and vote, Holy Rood High S5 pupil Jason Stewart-Evans, 17, said: “It gives me, as an individual, more of a say in my political system.”

Niyoshi Dave, 16, also S5, said: “I believe it is important to vote because the laws being passed right now will significantly affect my future.”

And Christy Biju, 16, S5, said: “Voting is a right we have and we should use it, especially young people because we are the future. We need to make our voices heard!”

Photographer Ian Georgeson 07961 567 360