L-R Cllr Elaine Aitken, Cllr Cameron Rose, The Lord Provost and Cllr Marion Donaldson at the raising of the flag on Monday morning

At 10am precisely The Lord Provost the Rt Hon Donald Wilson raised the Commonwealth Flag above the archway in front of the City Chambers.

The same flag was raised in most, if not all, 52 Commonwealth countries across the globe.

The Lord Provost had first addressed a small gathering in his official rooms explaining first of all that this is a very important event in the Edinburgh civic calendar. “It was in Edinburgh 20 years ago that the reaffirmation was signed for the Commonwealth. So in terms of this city it is very important and councillors will know that that is when the European Room was renamed.

The Lord Provost continued : “I have a short message sent from the Rt Hon Patricia Scotland QC, Commonwealth General Secretary. The letter reads:

“Fly a Flag for the Commonwealth provides a splendid opportunity every year for people from all walks of life to join with others in their local community to celebrate Commonwealth Day in association with fellow citizens throughout our worldwide family. This year our theme is a peace building Commonwealth. At a time of instability and uncertainty in the world, the Commonwealth family of nations in its rich diversity becomes an ever more needed source of strength and hope for all our members.”

The Lord Provost then read the Reaffirmation :

“Joining together as members of one worldwide Commonwealth community, and valuing the personal dignity and worth of every citizen, we raise this flag as a symbol of the ties of kinship and affinity that we cherish.

“We draw inspiration from our diversity, and the opportunities for working together, as a rich source of wisdom and a powerful influence for good in the world.

“We affirm our commitment to upholding the values set out in the Commonwealth Charter, to serving one another in a spirit of respect and understanding, and to advance development, democracy and cooperation locally, nationally and internationally.”

The party then went out on to the archway above the entrance to the City Chambers where the Lord Provost raised the flag.

The Lord Provost raises the Commonwealth Flag from Phyllis Stephen on Vimeo.