Adios Valencia!

Last day today and the weather’s taken a turn for the worse. Temperature only 14C at the moment, but we’re coming home today, so that will feel sub-tropical this time tomorrow.

Final matches yesterday and Scotland beat Ukraine to finish third in the Tournament, with keeper Nikki Cochrane named as best keeper.

As it was the end of the tournament, it was also – temporarily – the end of Gordon Shepherd’s iron grip on discipline, so the team took full advantage. And a bit…..

Nigh on empty stomachs, coupled with post-match dehydration, equals a fairly messy outcome. Still, they deserved to let their hair down after a couple of months of intensive preparation with a few hours of intensive de-preparation, but the bodies ‘missing in action’ from the various ‘outings’ have all been accounted for, so no harm done really. And no damage done to anything or anybody other than a few sore heads and delicate stomachs.

Home later and how’s it gone? It’s been an experience that few, if any – maybe even me – will get to repeat so I can honestly say it’s been an honour and a privilege to have been included and welcomed in to one of Scotland’s Elite International sporting squads

So, a big thanks to the Scottish Hockey Senior Women’s squad and coaching team for your patience with me and my camera(s) and, hopefully, we can do it all again. Maybe. Sometime………..

Next on my ‘to do’ list? A date with a giant Tardis on Queensferry beach. Is there no end to the high times – and hopefully not high tides – in this job?


  1. My fan! Many thanks for that Neil and I was equally pleased to have met yourself and all the parents and family members who made the trip out to support ‘our girls’, and to ‘suffer’ all the kind comments directed my way. Much appreciated.

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