A musical adventure based on Jessie M. King’s novel The Little White Town of Never Weary visits Musselburgh this week.
The interactive show, aimed at five to eight year olds, encourages children to think about their community, the world around them and buildings they know and love.
The story begins 100 years after a little girl called Jessie built The Little White Town of Never Weary using cardboard and glue, a wee bit of magic and a lot of imagination. Since then, the once hustling, bustling town has become lonely and unloved. Its magic is fading and the vibrations from the old bell tower are making the buildings crumble. Now, it’s all up to Jessie’s great-great-granddaughter, Jessie Junior, and her friends Gilbert, Dame Lucky, Sweetie Meg and Boofoo the Talking Cat to save the town from complete destruction. But they’re in a race against time with the clock tower about to strike again.
Packed full of fun and larger than life characters, this family show includes an interactive workshop where the audience, both adults and children, can do their bit to rebuild The Little White Town of Never Weary.
Director Julie Brown said, “There is something wonderfully surprising about watching young children experience opera for the first time. The Little White Town of Never Weary will not only introduce our young audience to the art form through this magical tale, but will also allow them to engage first hand in the completion of the story.”
Scottish Opera’s The Little White Town of Never Weary will be performed at The Brunton, Musselburgh, on Tuesday 31st May (1.30pm) and Wednesday 1st June (10am and 1.30pm).
For more information, click here. To buy tickets, call 0141 332 9559.