Jack Barry and Annie McGrath present a sketch show that has all the necessary ingredients for good comedy. With elements of absurdity, self deprecation, and black comedy, Twins sees both stars perform exceptionally well in a seemingly effortless fashion.
McGrath’s dry sense of humour together with cool deliveries works a treat, while Barry plays the hapless yet lovable loser in consistently comical fashion.
Tasked with an hour to get through his bucket list, the male “twin” attempts to make his dreams a reality which include making a film, see Vegas, and break a world record. Each goal becomes a sketch in itself and with the exception of a horse-based sketch, which maybe didn’t work as well as it should have, the show is ridiculously funny.
The fact that Twins drew a near-capacity crowd at midnight on a Sunday tells you everything you need to know. Clever writing, top delivery, and genuinely impressive audience interaction make this a success. Highly recommended.
Pleasance Courtyard (Venue 33)
August 24-31
Time: Midnight