
Volunteers honoured

Government offer cash for energy efficiency

ProjectScotland offer volunteering opportunities

At the Queen’s Hall

Anatomical Art

At a ceremony celebrating National Volunteers’ Week, past recipients of the ‘Lord Provost’s Inspiring Volunteer of the Year Award’ joined the Chief Executive of the Volunteer Centre Edinburgh and Lord Provost Donald Wilson to see their names inscribed in gold leaf on a bespoke Honour Board.

The names of the previous winners will be joined by those belonging to future titleholders.

The ‘Lord Provost’s Inspiring Volunteer of the Year Award’ is the top accolade at the annual Inspiring Volunteering Awardsorganised by the Volunteer Centre Edinburgh and hosted by the Lord Provost. This year’s ceremony will take place at the City Chambers on 16 June and will acknowledge the invaluable contribution volunteers provide to Edinburgh’s social fabric.

The Lord Provost Donald Wilson commented: “Each and every one of the names on the Honour Board belong to inspiring individuals whose volunteering efforts have changed people’s lives. I had the idea a number of years ago to create a public tribute to the outstanding contribution of volunteers and I am delighted it is finally on public display in the City Chambers for all to see.”

[tweet_box design=”default”]“Last year’s Lord Provost’s Inspiring Volunteer of the Year Award was presented to Betty Stevenson, Convenor of the Edinburgh Tenants Federation.[/tweet_box]

“Betty is a formidable champion of tenants’ rights and she has worked tirelessly for years to make sure their voices are heard. I was delighted that Betty and so many other previous winners could join me for the unveiling today.

“In my role as the city’s Volunteer Ambassador, again and again I see how volunteering makes a huge difference to the social fabric of the city. By reminding people about Edinburgh’s outstanding volunteers, I hope the Honour Board will help inspire more Edinburgh citizens to start volunteering for the benefit of others.”


Some of Scotland’s poorest households are to receive a multi-million pound boost in 2015/16 to make their homes cheaper to keep warm.

The Scottish Government’s £5 million HEEPS: Cashback – Social Landlords Scheme offers funding to housing associations and local authority landlords towards energy efficiency measures.

It forms part of the Scottish Government’s record £119 million budget for fuel poverty and energy efficiency in 2015/16, and means social landlords can apply for up to £250,000 in funding to help drive down the cost of tenants’ fuel bills.

The cash will help meet the cost of installing measures, such as solid wall insulation or hard-to-treat cavity wall insulation, in their housing stock

Under last year’s scheme 24 social landlords across Scotland received funding to improve over 1,600 properties across Scotland.

The scheme will open to applications on Monday, June 8.


Young people in Edinburgh looking to develop new skills, take on exciting projects, and gain valuable experience this summer are urged to consider ProjectScotland.  The charity, which helps young people get on in life through volunteering, has announced six new and exciting opportunities across the region.

ProjectScotland matches young people with charities working in areas such as the Arts, Sports, Youth Work and Animal Care, or to departments within charities such as Marketing, Human Resources, Fundraising and Journalism.

For budding writers with a keen news sense there is an opportunity for a Journalist and Content Creator to join the team at Relationships Scotland. Or, for those who possess the skill to capture a reader’s attention in 140 characters or less, the disabled access review website and app Euan’s Guide is looking for their next Social Media Guru and Content Whizz.

For those people looking to be out and about this summer, Gorgie City Farm is looking for a Summer Activities Assistant. From taking part in animal work to event planning and tour guiding, the role is perfect for anyone who enjoys working with children and animals.

For a role offering more desk based experience, Lloyds TSB Foundation for Scotland is offering multiple opportunities for volunteers to build a variety of skills. Their role of Strategic Group Facilitator will allow a volunteer to gain skills in the provision of key secretariat support whilst the Community Researcher role will give a volunteer key research and organisational skills.

Age Scotland is seeking a Community Contacts Collation Volunteer with great communication skills to help collect information and answer calls on their Silver Line Scotland national helpline. Volunteers will gain valuable organisational skills as well as experience in dealing with members of the public.

Gunduz Ozturk, former ProjectScotland volunteer at Blackwood Foundation, has recently gone on to secure a full time position with Port of Leith Housing Association.  He says his volunteering gave him the edge when it came to securing his job. ““Volunteering is amazing. You get out of it what you put in – I got to learn new skills, got help with training, and realised what sector I wanted to pursue a career in. I really can’t recommend it enough.”

Aileen Kennie, Partnership Manager Team Leader at ProjectScotland, said: “We offer 16-30 year olds a variety of three month quality volunteering opportunities with great organisations across Edinburgh and the whole of Scotland.

“Our partners in Edinburgh, including Lloyds TSB Foundation, Age Scotland and Euan’s Guide, give our volunteers the opportunity to make a positive contribution to their community and develop themselves, while organisations benefit from additional talent and energy.”

All ProjectScotland volunteers receive a travel allowance, are offered a mentor, and are invited to a series of job-focussed workshops designed to help them plan for the future.

Young people in Edinburgh can apply online at: www.projectscotland.co.uk


On Saturday 13 June 2015 The Edinburgh Singers perform Tom Cunningham’s song cycle Scotland at Night with lyrics by Alexander McCall Smith – along with works by James MacMillan, Edward McGuire, Chris Hutchings, Tommy Fowler, Martin Dalby, William More, Ken Johnston and a newly commissioned piece by Gordon Cree.

The musical director is Alistair Digges. City Organist, John Kitchen is accompanist and soloist.

This unparalleled 90 minute programme is at the historic Old St Paul’s Episcopal Church on Jeffrey Street in the heart of Edinburgh at 7.30pm. Tickets priced £12 (£10 concessions, under 12s free) are available from the Queen’s Hall box office.


Medical students and artists join forces at the University of Edinburgh’s Anatomical Museum to illustrate the wonders of the human body through anatomical art.

The collaboration is part of a hands-on workshop guided by artists, surgeons and anatomy experts, that will give people the chance to body paint the muscles, tendons and blood vessels of the neck on each other.  Pictured below Alex Sehgal who is studying a Masters Degree in human anatomy shows off her painted face and neck.


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