
Edinburgh College student wins UK photography competition

Colouring in for adults

Wester Hailes Community Council meeting

Pitch to Rich

Hub Awards open now

An Edinburgh College student has won the UK-wide Student Photographer of the Year award from photographic equipment company Calumet. Oliver Henderson, who is studying for a HND Professional Photography at the college, beat more than 1,000 students from across the UK to the top spot and a prize of £11,000-worth of photography equipment. Oliver is the first winner of the new competition.

Oliver’s photo which you can see below is of a woman in a red dress under a spotlight on a rooftop, set against an industrial background. The judges praised the imagination, passion, meaning and flair behind the photo.

Oliver Henderson - Winner


Yes really Edinburgh Libraries are getting in on the craze of colouring in classes for adults.

“Our colouring-in groups will provide tea, pencils and some very intricate designs to get to work on.

The Ratho group starts on Friday 15th May 11am-12.30pm and will meet every fortnight thereafter.

The Sighthill Library group starts on Monday 20th May 6.30pm-7.30pm and will get together weekly.

Contact Ratho Library on ratho.library@edinburgh.gov.uk or 0131 333 5297 or Sighthill Library on sighthill.library@edinburgh.gov.uk or 0131 529 5566 to find out more.”


Wester Hailes Community Council will hold their monthly meeting this evening at Wester Hailes Library from 6.00 till 7.45pm.


Pitch to Rich! event on 29 April will interest the entrepreneurs among you.

More details here.


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Nominations are now open for this year’s Hub Awards. This is the second year of the awards, which is run in conjunction with Heriot-Watt University Sports Union Blues and Volunteers Awards on Saturday 16th May 2015.

Criteria and evidence for each award is to be found at the link below. Nominations close on Wednesday 6th May 2015.

The nomination form is accessed here.

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Founding Editor of The Edinburgh Reporter.
Edinburgh-born multimedia journalist and iPhoneographer.