Works On Paper 2015: a selection of prints, drawings and watercolours from the storerooms of The Fine Art Society Edinburgh and London. Artists include Gerald Brockhurst, Sir David Wilkie, Robert Austin, Walter Geikie, James McBey, Mabel Royds and Charles Tunnicliffe. 10am-7pm today, 10am-6pm Friday and 11am-4pm Saturday, Dundas Street Gallery, 6a Dundas Street.
GENERATION By Night: the GENERATION By Night season of curated after-hours events at Modern One concludes this month with a night of pop-up talks, artist talks by Claire Barclay, Ciara Philips and Kate Davis (6pm), and a live set from WOLF (Kim Moore) at 7pm. Enjoy GENERATION after dark! 5-8pm, Scottish National Gallery of Modern Art ONE, Belford Road. Free: no booking required.
ROC (Redeeming Our Communities) Conversation – Tollcross. A chance to talk about the community’s needs and how they can be met. ROC is a national charity with over 150 projects throughout the UK. It aims to bring about community transformation by creating strategic partnerships that open up opportunities for crime and disorder reduction and improved community cohesion. ROC brings together community groups, churches, the police, the fire service, local authorities and voluntary agencies, to encourage them to work together in positive partnerships for practical ‘on the ground’ change. 5.30-7.30pm, Central Halls, 9 West Tollcross. Free places can be booked via eventbrite. For more information, please contact
Drama @ WHALE: bring out your dramatic side and join the Whale’s Without A Cause group – they are looking for new people who would like to be involved in devising a show to be performed at the WHALE Arts End of Year Christmas party in December. No experience needed! 7-9pm, WHALE Arts, 30 Westburn Grove. Free.
Let’s Dance! Social dancing: get fit and have fun. Relaxed sessions with dance tuition from an expert: this term the group continues to learn ceilidh dancing – come and enjoy the Scottish whirls! 7-8.30pm, WHALE Arts, 30 Westburn Grove. £2 per session.
WHALE Street Arts: music, craft, street dance, poetry, beat box, art and more, on the streets of Wester Hailes every Thursday evening. This term’s theme is puppets – physical, shadow, hand and finger – leading up to the Puppet Animation Festival at Easter. Come and meet the Street Arts Team: 5-5.30pm – Harvester’s Square, 5.30-6pm – Dumbeg, 6-6.30pm – Hailesland, 6.30-7pm – Walkers, 7-7.30pm – Westburn. For ages 8-18. For more information see Street Arts’ Facebook page here. For ages 7-16. Free.
Ecumenical Friends at St Cuthbert’s. Matthew Ross, General Secretary, Action of Churches Together in Scotland. 12.30-2pm, St Cuthbert’s Church Hall, 5 Lothian Road. All very welcome: tea and coffee provided, please bring your own packed lunch. £1.50 per person. These events are organised by Edinburgh City Centre Churches TOGETHER.
Mayfield Salisbury Thursday Club: this week Music with Margo and Iain Dunn. 2pm, Upper Hall, Mayfield Salisbury Church, 18 West Mayfield. All very welcome: 50p per person. For more information please contact Florence Smith on 0131 663 1234. Next week: Rev Sarah Kilbey on The Sounds of Silence: Coping with Deafness.
Early Shetland Authors: Professor Penny Fielding explores the world of Margaret Chalmers and Dorothea Primrose Campbell, two early Shetland authors whose poetry had little success in their lifetime. Their case raises a number of questions: how can poets be ‘recovered’ with scant archival resources? What role does geographical distance play in literary history? And why should we read these authors in the first place? 6pm, National Library of Scotland, George IV Bridge. Book via website or call 0131 623 3734. Free.
Odeon Silver Cinema: if you are over 55, you can enjoy films for only £3, with tea or coffee beforehand, at the Odeon’s special screenings on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Today: 11am – What We Did On Our Holiday (12A)., 2pm – The Rewrite (12A). You can buy your tickets at the cinema (no extra charges), or online (50p booking fee + 21p transaction charge then apply). Odeon, 118 Lothian Road.
Scottish Society of Architect Artists: Art4X. An exhibition and sale of art works organised jointly by the SSAA and the University of Edinburgh, in support of the University’s Patrick Wild Centre. The Centre’s mission is to understand the neuronal basis of, and test new therapies for, autism, fragile X syndrome and intellectual disabilities by fostering collaborations between world class basic science and clinical research at the University of Edinburgh. A selection of guest artists and Ligne et Couleur (Ligne et Couleur is the name of the SSAA’s counterpoint associations in other European countries) colleagues from France, Germany, Italy and Poland who have exhibited with SSAA over the last three decades have been invited to contribute works for the exhibition and auction as part of Art4X. 10am-4pm today and Friday 23rd January, 10am-12 noon Saturday 24th January, Sculpture Hall, Edinburgh College of Art, Lauriston Place.
Live Music Now: Fraser Langton and Juliette Philogene. Fraser (clarinet) and Juliette (piano) have been wowing audiences with their performances since they started playing together in 2009. Together they will bring a varied programme of colourful and impressionistic music inspired by the National Gallery’s permanent collection, and in celebration of Burns’ Night they will play some popular Burns songs. 6-6.30pm, Scottish National Gallery, The Mound. Free and unticketed.