
Hearing Dogs for Deaf People, is seeking new volunteers throughout Scotland as part of a ‘new year, new you’ campaign.

There are more than 80 deaf people with hearing dogs living in Scotland and the first hearing dog puppy arrived in Scotland at the end of last year.

The Charity is looking for kind-hearted volunteers to kick start 2015 by volunteering to help raise much needed funds at events and collections nationwide. Lyndsay Campbell, Hearing Dogs Community Fundraising Manager for Scotland says,

“Now that we have established a new puppy training area in Edinburgh – we are appealing to people throughout Scotland to help at events and collections so we can raise funds to train more hearing dog puppies in the country.”

The Charity is also seeking more volunteers to train puppies in the Edinburgh region. Puppy training volunteers will be required to care for and train a puppy with the help of a Hearing Dogs trainer for a 16 month period. Once the puppy’s training is complete, they will be partnered with someone who is severely or profoundly deaf. Lyndsay says,

“Volunteering is extremely rewarding and is also a great way to meet new people and learn new skills. Whether you have a few spare hours a month to help out at an event, or you can give a puppy a home for the first 16 months of their life, we’d love to hear from you!”

Hearing Dogs for Deaf People is supported by over 1,700 dedicated volunteers and currently have over 850 working partnerships between deaf people and hearing dogs across the UK. Each dog alerts a deaf person to sounds such as the alarm clock, doorbell and smoke alarm – and they also offer greater independence, confidence and companionship.

For more information visit www.hearingdogs.org.uk/scotlandpuppy or email volunteer@hearingdogs.org.uk