Big Success For First And Only Film Funding Campaign – but there is still time for you to put your money where your mouth is

The Scottish people have spoken – As the crowdfunding campaign for the feature film adaptation of the best selling novel First and Only draws to a close 93% of the Ā£50,000 target total has been raised

With little more than 24 hours to go until the door slams shut on First and Only ā€“ film adaptation, one of Scotlandā€™s largest crowdfunding campaigns for an independent feature film, Ā£46,637 of the Ā£50,000 total sought has been raised.Ā Click HereĀ to go to the IndiegogoĀ crowd fund page for more information.

Edinburgh born (and based) film director, Magnus Wake is adapting the best selling psychic thriller First and Only, written by Scottish Borders based Peter Flannery, and to raise funds towards the filmā€™s Ā£1.6 million production budget set up the crowdfunding campaign back in October.

Magnus Wake has taken a new approach to film making in Scotlandā€™s capital by inviting enthusiasts and local businesses to become part of the film project. The fantastic perks include Directors Envy, giving an access “all areas” pass to the production, the ability to feed back on the scripts, storyboards and previewing first cut footage.Ā  Other rewards allow city businesses to have their names featured in the film, fans to share theirĀ selfie and a 30-character messageĀ in the closing credits and even having a walk on part.

Special promotions on the crowdfunding perks have been set up to make the most of Christmas and other events such as Black Friday during the campaign, together with a funders referral scheme.

Magnus Wake said: ā€œThe Scottish people have spoken. We are entering the final day of the crowdfunding campaign and we have raised 93% of our Ā£50,000 total.Ā  We are thrilled that so many people have supported First and Only so far. We have tried to offer film buffs, wannabe movie-makers and novelists and fans of Peter Flanneryā€™s fantastic thriller the chance to get involved in the film that we intend to shoot in Edinburgh in 2015. Ā As the campaign draws to a close we really want to hit our Ā£50,000 target and are looking for as many people as possible to log ontoĀ www.Firstandonlymovie.comĀ and offer their support.ā€


Described as a cross between The Sixth Sense and The Bourne Trilogy, First and Only follows the adventures of Psimon – a young man with exceptional powers who is haunted by the murder of an old friend.Ā The movie follows our hero as he tracks down a serial killer whilst battling with his own inner demons as well as world governments who decide he is too dangerous to be allowed to roam free.


While the novel is set inĀ ManchesterĀ Wake has chosen to relocate the movie to Edinburgh to make the most of the cityā€™s gothic backdrop and to involve city residents who have seen their city portrayed in numerous films but havenā€™t had an opportunity to be involved in what happens, where it happens and how it looks. To date the movie hasĀ securedĀ Kilmarnock born James Robinson, the Braveheart star who played Young Wallace in the iconic movie.Ā Other characters will be cast in the new year though an open casting process.


For more information onĀ the IndiegogoĀ crowd fund page –Ā