The venue has cancelled the show but hopes are high that the show will go on.

The Edinburgh Reporter met with Incubator Theatre earlier in the week to film a video report introducing their Fringe show.

They have now had to cancel their performances due to protests outside their venue. The group were to be in Edinburgh till the end of the Fringe performing their hip hop act.



Earlier today, after discussions between Underbelly, Incubator Theatre, the University of Edinburgh and Police Scotland it was agreed that future performances of The City at The Reid Hall would be cancelled.

The first performance of The City went ahead as planned, but the logistics of policing and stewarding the protest around The Reid Hall – and the effect of the disturbance on Underbelly’s other venues and other shows – make it untenable for the show to continue in the Cowbarn, Reid Hall.

Underbelly and Incubator Theatre will work to identify other suitable venues for the show to perform at in Edinburgh.

All tickets for forthcoming performances of The City in the Cowbarn, Reid Hall will be refunded. When an alternative venue is found, customers will be able to book tickets for that show separately.

This is our video report below. The Edinburgh Reporter, as regular readers will know, is a non-political news website and we do not express views on any political matters. We simply report the news of what is happening in Edinburgh.

Incubator Theatre issued the following statement:

Incubator Theatre wishes to thank Underbelly staff, the police and members of the public for their help on Wednesday 30th July, enabling the first performance of The City to go ahead as planned. The nature of the demonstration which accompanied the performance, whilst it may have been legal, was carefully designed and managed to intimidate members of the public and it succeeded in causing maximum disruption to other artists and other shows in the vicinity. We appreciate the efforts of Underbelly and others to find an alternative space for the production and hope that performances of The City will continue shortly.