Gallery uses new technology to show paintings in room settings

Urbane Art Gallery, on Edinburgh’s Jeffrey Street, has installed a new programme on its website which enables visitors to view their potential purchase in a number of room settings.

Thanks to Tangram, who supplied the furniture and interior shots for the effect, Urbane Art can now showcase their paintings to customers in real home situations as well as in the gallery.

Gallery Director Tracey Robertson said: ”A lot of people can’t imagine what a painting will look like when removed from the gallery and hung in a living room, so now we can show them that, which helps them to envisage it in their own home. I can show them when they are here in the gallery or they can do this themselves on our website by clicking on a painting they like and then clicking ’View in a room’. As far as I know there is no other gallery in Scotland which does this. Tangram are leading experts in contemporary furniture and interiors, and we are very grateful to them for supplying the interior images and furniture.”

Julian Darwell-Stone from Tangram said: ”We source and install contemporary furniture, lighting, rugs and blinds from leading European manufacturers, with the emphasis on design and aesthetic. We felt that Urbane Art Gallery, with its wonderful modern art collection, was the perfect partner to collaborate with, and we are very pleased to be associated with this initiative.”


Submitted by Rosemary Walker