6Dear Sir

Are voters aware that if Scotland becomes independent then one of the consequences will be that all car registration numbers will revert back to the DVLA ownership.

This includes all ’Personal Plates’ purchased.

Scotland, as other countries, will need to formulate a new and unique configuration.

Yours etc

Jim McNeil

Submitted by Jim Mcneil


  1. So what!. Scotland – independent will have its own licensing arrangement hopefully distinctly different to what exists now.
    You want a personal plate, petition for one but try to be in the front of the queue as there will be many people who will want to have a ‘different plate’ to the nonsense ID that is the current UK generated model.
    Oh, and Scotland will have at least 4 licensing regions not one and not one in a ‘foreign’ country.

  2. What nonsense. Its been published that the DVLA will still be used by the Scots government in the event of independence. Eventually a Scottish system will be phased in. Why would we not be entitled to use the plates if the cars concerned were registered in the UK when we were still in the UK? And anyway everyone may have to change their plates if the EU get their way to abolish UK plates!

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