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Tonight The Assembly Rooms Fringe showcased some of the wide array of acts who will be appearing in George Street over the next few weeks, ranging from comedy to spoken word from none other than the Scottish Makar, Liz Lochhead, acrobatics and drama.

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The director of Salt n Sauce Promotions, Tommy Sheppard, referred to some of the difficulties encountered along the way in his quest to bring the Spiegeltent back to George Street this year along with the main building of the Assembly Rooms. The whole area of George Street between Frederick and Hanover Streets is closed to traffic and there is traffic on alternating sides only of the rest of the street. Confusing for some drivers we spotted earlier today!

“I am delighted we have the support of so many businesses in delivering the structure in the street outside, and I hope very much that we will avoid any controversy or arguments in 2014.  I think it’s fair to say that this street is set to become the hub of the festival in years to come and we will see a gravitation away from the south side of the city. The centre ought to be the home of the Festival.”

“I will make no rash promises this year about queuing. We have spent more money on this venue making it four top class venues here. We learned from our experiences in year 1. We learned that the technical spec in the Ballroom had to be improved. I hope this venue is buzzing morning noon and night. There is something for everyone, including a new children’s programme.”

It was a very entertaining evening and only proves yet again what a fabulous venue the Assembly Rooms is for acts of all kinds.

AssemblyRoomsFringe  022Many councillors were in attendance at the council-owned venue, Cathy Fullerton, Dennis Dixon, Bill Henderson, Lesley Hinds and The Rt Hon Donald Wilson, Lord Provost were all spotted in the audience.

AssemblyRoomsFringe  023The evening’s proceedings  were compered by Fred Macaulay who is also appearing in the Ballroom daily throughout the Fringe as well as doing his morning radio show from Potterow. This is the 25th consecutive year that he has appeared in Edinburgh as a stand up comedian.

We were royally entertained to the comedy of Michael Che from New York, who encountered the Lord Provost in the front row and asked what he was wearing. Never lost for words the Lord Provost quipped:-“Bling!” to describe his ornate chain of office. But the American was not the only comedian on the short bill however.

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Comedian Zoe Lyons led us a merry dance with a bit of zip…(you will know what we mean when you go to see her – and you will laugh!)

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And the evening ended with a couple of songs made famous by Edith Piaf. These were sung beautifully by Christine Bovill who is the must see act of the evening for us.

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Founding Editor of The Edinburgh Reporter.
Edinburgh-born multimedia journalist and iPhoneographer.