Fife-based centre hosts stall at Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh

Local children had the chance to learn more about the importance of wind and natural energy sources at the weekend, when they were treated to an event ran by mobile project, the Eco Explorers, at the Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh.

Funded by players of People’s Postcode Lottery, the Ecology Centre’s Eco Explorers offered little ones in the capital the chance to learn more about solar, wind and kinetic energy and discover how saving energy can help to save the planet. They also had the chance to create their own windmills to take home and test out on the day (Robbie (8) & Abby (9) MacGregor pictured).

The interactive stall at Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh also had a solar powered race car, a bike that the youngsters could use to cycle and light up bulbs and a generator-powered Skalextric track.

Claire Reid, Education Manager, Ecology Centre, said: “We were delighted that so many families came along on the day. The Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh is also supported by players of People’s Postcode Lottery so it was perfect and offered us a great green location to promote a more sustainable way of living and playing for children in Edinburgh.

“Thanks to funding from players of People’s Postcode Lottery and the Dream Fund, the Eco Explorers is travelling around Edinburgh, Fife and Tayside, visiting schools and encouraging children in a fun and interactive way to learn more about what they and their families can do to make a difference.”

The Ecology Centre is a community based charity which was established as a non-profit making organisation in August 1998. They received over £53,000 in 2012 from the Dream Fund for the Eco Explorers, an interactive resource that allows them to teach classrooms about nature and climate change, using hands-on play, and providing examples of solar and water power.


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People’s Postcode Lottery is a charity lottery. Players play with their postcodes to win cash prizes while raising money for charities and good causes local to them.

Maximum prize per ticket is £400,000 or 10% of draw proceeds and all prizes are awarded by ticket

Players can sign up by Direct Debit or credit card online at, by calling 0808 10-9-8-7-6-5 or through coupons they receive through the post

 Photos by Cate Gillon

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Founding Editor of The Edinburgh Reporter.
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