A youth worker from the North of the city will paddle fifty-seven miles in less than twenty four hours as part of a fundraising campaign for a new building. Mark Foster who is the manager at Fet Lor Youth Centre on Crewe Road South, decided he wanted to help raise money for the proposed new Centre.

Fet Lor Youth Centre is one of the oldest youth projects in Edinburgh and has been based in its current venue for over fifty years. Two years ago the board of Directors started looking at ways to improve the Centre and enlisted the services of an Architect to work with the club members to ensure that the new building would become reality.

Mark Foster is preparing for his adventure.

Now that that the young people have been engaged in the planning of the new building, the directors are now aiming to secure the required levels of funding to make the dream a reality.

Mark intends to paddle the Great Glen in just twenty-four hours, normally this is paddled over three days, and he has so far raised over £500 for doing so. Mark said:- “Part of my fundraising effort this year is to complete the Great Glen Paddle.

This is an organised event which takes place on 27 April and goes from Fort William to Inverness – 57 miles in total. Canal and river sections are included as well as the opportunity to do battle with Nessie along the length of Loch Ness.

It can be done in 2 ways. Either as a non-stop paddle or as a 3 day trip, but where’s the fun in that? Non-stop it is!

The Architects design for the new building

I have previously done this trip as a bike / canoe combination but this will be the first time entirely on the water. It’s going to be a challenge, but worth it for a great cause.”

This won’t be the first time Mark has taken part in such sponsored events. Two years ago Mark cycled from Lands End to John O’Groats to raise money for an After School Club.

If you would like to sponsor Mark please click here.