A by-election will be held in the Liberton and Gilmerton ward on Thursday 20 June 2013 following the death of Councillor Tom Buchanan.

The counting of votes will be carried out manually on the following day in the Council Chamber.

To register to vote or apply for a postal vote people should contact the Electoral Registration Office or phone 0131 344 2500 by Wednesday 5 June.

Polling stations will be open from 7am to 10pm. Details of where these are will be announced by the council shortly.

The election will use the Single Transferable Vote (STV) system where voters can rank candidates in order of preference rather than using a single cross. Voters can give a rank to as many or as few candidates as they like.

There are three other councillors in the Ward who were elected in May 2012. They are Councillor Norma Austin Hart (LAB), Councillor Bill Cook (LAB) and Councillor Nick Cook (CONS).

Councillor Buchanan died earlier this month following a year-long illness. He was Economic Development Convener and was largely recognised as the councillor behind the new Strategy for Jobs initiative.