Call for public enquiry into Legionella outbreak – Free Fringe Music –  Brave at Edinburgh Castle – Leith Business Association – Hand in your Fringe Programmes


The well-known expert on viruses, Professor Hugh Pennington of Aberdeen University has made a formal call for a public enquiry into the cause of the Legionella outbreak earlier this year which resulted in three deaths according to The Scotsman. Although the official line was that the source might be a cooling tower in the west of the city, it was admitted that the actual cause might be difficult if not impossible to trace.


At National Museum of Scotland Chambers Street until 26 August, 12:45 daily

Enjoy musical performances in the Grand Gallery from Russian soprano and piano duo Oskana Mavrodi and Silviya Mihaylova and Russian pianist Olga Jegunova, as part of our Free Fringe music programme. For the full programme visit

In partnership with Live Music Now Scotland.


If you have taken the children to see the film ‘Brave’ and are wondering what to do to entertain them now that the summer holidays are drawing to a close, why not take them up to Edinburgh Castle, one of the beautiful attractions in Scotland which inspired the film?

Historic Scotland has compiled a special quiz celebrating the release of Disney Pixar’s film Brave so you and the children can find out fascinating and unusual facts about Edinburgh Castle’s history.

The quiz will be available at Edinburgh Castle daily now that the film is on general release in Scotland.

Nick Finnigan, Executive Manager of Edinburgh Castle said: “If you’ve seen ‘Brave, bring the children and explore one of the real castles which inspired the film.

“Come along on a fun, fact-filled mission around the castle by taking part in our quiz inspired by the themes in Brave, and seek the answers to questions such as how many lions stand guard within the fireplace in the Great Hall and which red haired queen, who practised archery not far from the castle, gave birth to her only son in the Royal Palace.’

“Fill in your details at the end for the chance to win a Historic Scotland membership and a children’s goody bag.”

Visit the website to find out additional information about the film and Historic Scotland attractions.


Leith Business Association are inviting you to meet and greet them tonight between 5.30 and 8.00 at the “I Love Cafe” in Haddington Place on Leith Walk. Go along and find out what they might be able to do for you. If you have a business in Leith Walk then you should definitely try to get along!


The Library is reminding everyone that if you have any Festival programmes then rather than recycling them or just throwing them away they will gladly take them off your hands. They have been collecting all these bits of memorabilia since 1947 when the Festival started and they have a Scottish Collection to which any of your programmes could be added. More here on the Tales of One City.



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Founding Editor of The Edinburgh Reporter.
Edinburgh-born multimedia journalist and iPhoneographer.