Laughing Horse Free Festival/Mechanical Tiger Productions

Jekyll & Hyde, Hanover Street
Comedy (14+)
It is showtime for free at The Jekyll & Hyde, the Old Reekie shlock-goth theme-pub, barely 300 yards from Robert Louis Stevenson’s Heriot Row birthplace. And, if one were to, quite reasonably, anticipate that this two man sketch-show, ‘Man Feelings’ will be a rapid-fire, quick-witted, off-the-cuff, exposition of punch-line gag closure lunacy – then clever you!
Written and performed with polished economy and snappy timing, these New Town Resurrection Men of giggle-driven snappy one-line gufforial silliness have no gender agenda with their quick-fire satire and machine-punning derring-do, and dare to do anything with abandon. Which might explain the opening sketch about an Edinburgh bee with a prawn-cocktail allergy bee(ing) swatted to oblivion by an irate Finance Metro reader – possibly!

Fearlessly tilting their satirical lances at topical windmills (maybe, even the ones that will eventually power the 12 volt Princes Street trams?) they recognise that issues of Scottish Independence are complex and emotive, threatening to see socio-political claymores rent asunder once tight-knit families and communities. And, with a Salmond-leap into the surreal, completely ridicule the whole caboose!

The confused cowboy-builders taking on the a six-day creation of the World contract is a delightfully irreverent poke in the Creationists’ eye leaving one wondering how Nature allowed the likes of them to evolve in the first place. At a cat’s -whisker short of 55 minutes you really ought to treat yourselves to this show. If only to appreciate that Man Feelings are not just about groping. Embryonic talents. Be there at the birth so you can brag about it!  (Contains some naughty language and bodily references.)


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