Dr Steve Burgess is the Green Party candidate for the Southside/Newington Ward.
Burgess is currently the Green Councillor in Southside/Newington and Co-ordinator of the Green group of councillors on The City of Edinburgh Council.
Steve was born in Edinburgh and has lived here most of his life. He went to school in Edinburgh and then Edinburgh University to study Biological Sciences, later returning as a post-doctoral researcher at the Centre for HIV Research at Kings Buildings.
After completing a Masters degree in Environmental Studies at Strathclyde University, Steve went to work for Greenpeace in New Zealand as a campaigner, including a tour of duty on the flagship Rainbow Warrior II. Returning to Scotland in 1999 he ran an election office for the Scottish Green Party who were hopeful of a seat in the new Scottish Parliament. When Robin Harper was elected as the first Green UK Parliamentarian, Steve joined Robin’s staff and worked in Parliament with the Green Group of MSPs for eight years, latterly as Head of Research.
Steve was elected to City of Edinburgh Council in 2007 to represent Southside/Newington ward. As Co-ordinator of the Green Group of Edinburgh Councillors, he represents the Greens on the Council’s overarching Policy & Strategy Committee. He is also speaker on Environment issues and is Green member of the Council’s Transport Infrastructure & Environment Committee and the Planning committee.
Steve has had several notable successes in his relatively short time on the Council including; the introduction of ‘Park Green’ a sliding scale of resident parking charges based on the vehicle’s rating for climate-changing pollution; council backing for a local currency pilot in Portobello; and most recently winning a six-month delay in the sale of Leith Waterworld to allow a community buyout to be developed. Steve is also particularly delighted about the recent re-opening of the Crags sports centre in the Southside as a community sports hub, an issue he championed at the Council.
Steve is married to Julita and they have one son, Seth. When not at the City Chambers or at home with family, Steve plays fiddle in a traditional music group and enjoys sailing and also hill walking.
Contact details
Telephone: 0131 529 3274
Email steve.burgess@edinburgh.gov.uk
April Leaflet – Steve Burgess – SN 2
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