Edinburgh’s Labour Group will launch the final version of their local government manifesto tomorrow.

Johann Lamont MSP will be present at the launch of Edinburgh Labour’s 2012 Local Government Manifesto tomorrow, Tuesday 13 March 2012 at the St Trinnean’s Room, St Leonard’s Hall, in the grounds of Pollock Halls at 10a.m.

Lamont will join Labour Councillor Andrew Burns to formally launch Edinburgh Labour’s 2012 Local Government Manifesto on the day that the formal ‘Notice of Election’ is published for May’s Council Poll.

The launch event will be chaired by Councillor Lesley Hinds.

Edinburgh Labour published a Draft Manifesto on 3 November 2011, six months from Polling Day, and has undertaken a wide-ranging consultation process over the last four months.

Hundreds of organisations, and over a thousand individuals, have responded via direct contact and/or local questionnaires; and that considerable input has led to a significant development of the Draft document.

That initial draft document (from November) can be accessed here: http://www.edinburghlabour.com/p/moving-edinburgh-forward.html

A revised version was published in February 2012 here: http://www.edinburghlabour.com/p/moving-edinburgh-forward-together.html

And the final Manifesto will be available at www.edinburghlabour.com from 10am on Tuesday 13 March. Hard copies will also be handed out at the launch event.

Edinburgh Labour also announced its full list of candidates back in November – many of them will be present at tomorrow’s launch … biographies and photographs of them all can be found on the Edinburgh Labour website.

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