Edinburgh Castle is today  unveiled as the venue for a spectacular free evening celebration to mark the arrival of the Olympic Flame to Scotland’s Capital.

The revelation comes as the London Organising Committee of the Olympic Games and Paralympic Games (LOCOG) announces the street level route the Olympic Torch Relay will take on its journey around the UK.

The announcement also marks the unveiling of two of the individuals selected to carry the Olympic Flame in the Edinburgh area – John Beaton, 19, and James Watt, 35.

Today’s announcement will allow residents to find out if the Olympic Flame will travel along their street on its journey around the UK.

Councillor Steve Cardownie, Festivals and Events Champion for the City of Edinburgh Council, said:- “The Olympic Flame arriving in Edinburgh will be a once-in-a-lifetime experience for residents and visitors, who I’m sure will turn out in their droves to catch a glimpse. Many congratulations to all those who have been selected as Torchbearers  – it’s a tremendous honour to be a part of such an iconic event, with the eyes of the world on Scotland’s Capital.”

Sebastian Coe, Chair of LOCOG added:- “Today we bring the Olympic Torch Relay to life. The Flame symbolises the Olympic spirit and its journey around the UK will bring the excitement of the Games to our streets. Now the people know the route the Olympic Flame will be carried along and the Torchbearers for their community, they can start planning how they might  celebrate and make it Edinburgh’s moment to shine.”

The streets along the London 2012 Olympic Torch Relay can be viewed in full at www.london2012.com/olympictorchrelay, with street-by-street details and proposed start times for when the Olympic Flame will travel through Edinburgh.

The Torchbearers confirmed to carry the Flame today include those that were successful through the public nomination processes run by LOCOG and the Presenting Partners, Coca Cola, Bank of Scotland and Samsung.

LOCOG has endeavoured to slot all community Torchbearers within an hour of their nomination address so family and friends can cheer them on. Each Torchbearer will wear a white and gold uniform which been designed by adidas.

An average of 115 Torchbearers a day will carry the Olympic Flame during its 8,000 mile journey around the UK before it arrives at the Olympic Stadium on 27 July 2012 for the lighting of the cauldron at the Opening Ceremony, signifying the official start of the London 2012 Olympic Games.

LOCOG has worked closely with representatives from a number of sectors in each Nation and Region of the UK to devise the route and is taking the Olympic Flame to within ten miles of over 95% of the population.

When the Flame arrives in Edinburgh, The City of Edinburgh Council is working with LOCOG and the three Presenting Partners of the Relay – Coca Cola, Bank of Scotland and Samsung – to host an evening celebration to celebrate the Olympic Flame.  The event at Edinburgh Castle will be free ticketed and will feature locally programmed content. Ticket information and details of the run of the show will be released over the next few months.



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