Holyrood committee takes evidence on renewables – Hustling along to the hustings –  Occupy Edinburgh – Out of the Blue on the telly! – Post office

The Scottish Parliament is running an enquiry into how feasible its renewable energy targets are . The Economy Energy And Tourism Committee is taking the evidence and the next session will take place at Holyrood this morning when representatives from the two Edinburgh companies at the forefront of wave energy development, Aquamarine Power and Pelamis, will be offering their views along with others with expertise in skills and technology.

Perhaps the more interesting session is yet to come however. On 25 April 2012 the committee has asked for those with interests in tourism to speak. Included on the list at the moment is Donald Trump Sr. Trump is of course developing the Menie Estate site in the north-east of Scotland and has already said that he will bankroll the fight against the proposed offshore wind farm development which would be visible from the golf course and resort development he got permission for in 2008, and which he has started building.


We are off to the Age Scotland Hustings this morning to hear some of the prospective candidates for election at the upcoming Council Elections lay out their wares to the older members of the electorate. We see that STV is liveblogging the event, and maybe they will let us join in their live web chat on Twitter, but what we are going to try out this morning is our new live streaming video. We will try to interview as many people as we can and also cover as much of the chat as we can. Bear with us though this is new territory for us! You will be able to see the latest video on the right hand side of any page on the site. (we hope…!)


The Student has carried out an investigation into the cost of the three month long Occupy Edinburgh camp in St Andrew Square and reports on it here. 


Irvine Welsh at OOTB – Photo by Rob Hoon

Tune in to BBC Two Scotland this evening to watch Edinburgh Stories, featuring last year’s Leith on the Fringe at the Out of the Blue Drill Hall, and filmed by talented young performers from Drill Hall based Strange Town Youth Theatre.

Three teenagers provide a fresh take on the Edinburgh Festival
Over the course of Leith on the Fringe 2011 at the Out of the Blue Drill Hall, they filmed various productions,  backstage and talked to the people on the streets to see what they thought of the Edinburgh festival. They also nabbed an interview with Irvine Welsh. Edinburgh Stories is a behind the scenes look at what it is like to perform in, organise, and play host to the Festival in a venue which is a hub of activity all year round.


And to round off an action-packed day we really are going to the opening of an envelope later…..at a new Post Office. But we are sworn to secrecy about it! Tell you tomorrow!

With the news that a first class stamp is going up to 60p from April we hope they have other things to sell other than stamps….Following Ofcom’s decision yesterday about a new regulatory framework, Royal Mail has announced that from April 30 2012, the price for a First Class stamp for a standard letter will rise from 46p to 60p. The price for a Second Class stamp for a standard letter will increase from 36p to 50p.  The cost of a Large Letter stamp up to 100 grams will rise from 75p to 90p for First Class and from 58p to 69p for Second Class.