Council meeting – Conference – EnLighten – Rail news – Panda news

This morning the council’s Policy and Strategy committee meet at 10a.m. It is a public meeting and you are entitled to attend. We will be there to listen to what is said and will bring you a report later.


Scottish Renewables are holding their conference in Edinburgh today and tomorrow. Tonight the First Minister will announce the recipient of the Saltire Prize Medal at a dinner.


Dumpling in a Hanky is a little irate at not being able to find out enough about EnLighten (which has now finished) but tells us a nice story all the same about what there was to see along George Street during the lifetime of the project.


The Transport Minister is expected to veto plans to terminate cross-border trains in Edinburgh, meaning that those travelling further north would be forced to get off and change trains here. The Press Association explains about the plans for an Edinburgh Hub which are expected to be stuck in a siding today.


Male panda, Yang Guang, has had a few bouts of colic since his arrival in December and The Scotsman has now told us in fairly graphic detail that he has undergone a surgical procedure to try and find out why….