Council sacks four members of staff

Christmas Lights

Edinburgh World Heritage BIg Christmas Campaign


HMS Edinburgh 


Four members of staff at the Council have been sacked following the internal investigation into the way that contracts for statutory repairs were awarded. The Herald reports that this could just be the start, and that criminal charges may well follow.


Councillor Cameron Rose tells us that the Christmas lights in St Patrick Square will be switched on by Edinburgh Makar, Ron Butlin on Tuesday 6 December.


At this time of giving presents you might take a look at the Edinburgh World Heritage Big Christmas Campaign. They are in need of some money to keep their projects going. This is what they say:-“Edinburgh World Heritage works to ensure the continued survival of the architecture and historic fabric of Edinburgh’s World Heritage Site, proactively targeting funds where the justification is greatest. Historic Scotland and the City of Edinburgh Council are core supporters of our activities, but to to deliver a range of projects in the Old and New Town, we must raise £100,000 in 2011 / 12, £60,000 of which we hope to raise through the Big Give’s Christmas Challenge.”


The pandas arrive in just a little over 24 hours. The Scotsman has a very informed account of the background to their arrival. It took some panda pioneering to bring the two large rock star animals to the capital, and how it all happened is recounted here.   The pandas have just begun their journey this morning and The Telegraph has a man in China to report on that.



And following our visit aboard earlier this year, we are delighted to see on the BBC website that HMS Edinburgh is back from her tour and has docked in Portsmouth yesterday.


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