Labour MP for Edinburgh East, Sheila Gilmore, is another of our Edinburgh MPs who split their week between time spent in Edinburgh and some time spent in London.

She was elected to Parliament in May 2010, and is now parliamentary Private Secretary to Jon Trickett as Shadow Minister for the Cabinet Office. She is also a member of two select committees on Political and Constitutional Reform and Work and Pensions. She previously represented the Moredun ward on The City of Edinburgh Council from 1991-2007, and her interests lie in housing, women’s issues, the environment, higher education and work and pensions.


Previously Sheila was a solicitor dealing mainly with family related matters such as divorce and housing.


The Reporter met her at Westminster just after Prime Minister’s Questions. It was only supposed to be a quick meeting, but you will hear from the interview that she is very passionate about her role as an MP!

Ten minutes with Sheila Gilmore MP (mp3)