The Economic Development Committee of the council meets today at 10a.m. when the Deputy Managing Director of Avaloq Limited, the latest firm to bring its business to Edinburgh, will make a presentation to the elected members.

Occupy Edinburgh is the name given to the Edinburgh part of a worldwide campaign which started on Wall Street, and has spread to many cities worldwide. They now have a website to explain what they are doing in their tents in St Andrew Square.

There was a high profile fundraising effort for the purchase of Titian’s Diana and Actaeon a couple of years ago. Now Jonathan Jones, writing in The Guardian, explains that it is necessary to raise a further sum of £50m to buy another Titian, this time Diana and Calisto, for the National Galleries in Edinburgh and London. There is a short timeframe here. Only a couple of months remain until the end of the year when the time limit to raise the cash runs out. And we will have lost the opportunity to retain what Jones describes as ‘a mark of civilisation’.

Another painting which might be vaguely familiar to you is the one being sold at auction in the capital next week, according to The Telegraph. It is a portrait of Queen Victoria with John Brown by Charles Burton Barber. Yes, you know the one where she is on the horse and he is holding its bridle? Estimated selling price is around £30,000.


More arts but of a different kind. Song by Toad is a local blog which highlights all kinds of music in Edinburgh. He has a list of what is live this week. We are trying hard to compile a list of all Edinburgh blogs. A bit of a task really, but would be made easier if you would tell us if you write one or if you know of any we could include. Do get in touch with your suggestions!