The new all singing all dancing STV current affairs programme, Scotland Tonight, starts this evening with John MacKay and Rona Dougall in the hot seats. It will be on air from 10.30 p.m. every night Monday to Thursday and will clearly be seen as direct competition for the BBC’s Newsnight Scotland. Won’t it?

Steve Cardownie, Deputy Leader of the council is never far from the headlines, but today he has angered some of the city’s football fans….

Penguins at Edinburgh Zoo were having fun today with a bubble machine…..More on our article here.

The Bank of Scotland have a photography competition on their website which might allow you to win a camera and a computer…..all you have to do is upload a photo of Edinburgh to their Facebook page….

Apparently one of you lucky readers (?) has scooped the £100,000 jackpot on the new Health Lottery. The problem is they have not identified themselves yet… it you?