The Raeburn House Hotel has gone into administration according to The Edinburgh Evening News. We did a double take when we read that, as the hotel has of course been closed for a number of years. The building and the site will undoubtedly now go up for sale, as this is the last asset of Festival Group.

Meanwhile in Granton there is a tussle between the council and the Granton Community Partnership reported by The Edinburgh Evening News over a piece of ground that the GCP want to develop into ‘Granton Sur Mer’ and which the council say has been sold to a care home developer.

For those of you who travel to London regularly there is no need to tell you how much cheaper the air fares are than train fares on East Coast. Simon Calder travel editor of The Independent has a rather nice resume of what the position is for Anglo-Scottish commuter both on the train and in the air.

We had an interesting encounter with a cafe in the city centre this morning…. Needing and wanting a bacon roll to set the day off in the right fashion, we entered an establishment purporting to offer food and drink. “Two bacon rolls, a tea and a coffee please” produced the answer that since this was Saturday they were using the weekend menu…so could we have a look at that. The Breakfast Roll on the menu  had bacon, cheese, tomato, lettuce and mayo..not quite the thing we had in mind. But since the cafe was empty, and since we only wanted part of what was on offer, could the waitress perhaps have just said yes and served us what we wanted? Or would that have been a bit too simple? Safe to say that on enquiry and finding the this was all that we could have, we went elsewhere…. (Yes clearly we are in danger of The Reporter becoming too Michael Winner-like..!) Give us your ideas of where to go for the best breakfast in town and we will report the results.


Changeworks won an award on Thursday night at the Scottish Green Awards ceremony in Glasgow! Here is  Changeworks Chief Executive, Teresa Bray, who accepted the award for Best Public Service Provision at the Scottish Green Awards 2011. Teresa said: “We accept this award with great pleasure. This achievement is down to the dedication and commitment of all the staff who work for Changeworks and the support of our many partners. It also heartening to see the recognition that the Third Sector could be seen as providing the best public service.”