Whilst Scary Gorgeous may not suit everyone – like the reviewer- the younger generation will love it. It is modern, with plenty of sex references and singing. The central characters, Helen and Abbi  give good expressive performances and are very physical in their dance moves. This show is loud with a multi-talented onstage band who, whilst not having any spoken parts,  are key to this drama.

This gritty play, based on a true story, is formed around Abbi her love and her life with her pop band and the youth culture surrounding the music. There is some ironic humour though the majority of the piece is serious.

The sellout youthful audience seemed to really appreciate the performance and as annecdotal evidence suggests, this is not the first time this week! The company, Rash Dash, won a Fringe First award in 2010 for their play “Another Someone.”

Scary Gorgeous is on at the Bedlam Theatre at 9pm daily until 20th August.

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Thomas Haywood is a freelance photographer producing great royalty-free images in Scotland.